Portugal: taxis and buses offer free WiFi

Surely many would like to live in the city of Porto, in Portugal , thanks to the recent addition of 600 vehicles that offer free internet access . In the second most important city just released a WiFi network that will surely become the model to be copied by other cities worldwide. The buses and taxis of Porto, or at least the vast majority of these, now have become Internet access points for those who go traveling in them.

More than 600 buses and taxis are part of this network of WiFi that is present in most of the city. It is estimated that will be used by more than 70,000 people every month. Obviously only those traveling by bus or taxi may use the network, since once the vehicle our device away will be disconnected. Veniam, the company that was in charge of making it a reality, says this is a unique network in the world and is the most sophisticated and largest of its kind.

Besides providing free Internet access, network Porto also responsible for record various data of the city, such as the state of the streets. Data is collected by sensors on the vehicle and can be detected for example when a road is broken or the like. The problems identified are sent to the authorities for necessary repairs are made. In addition, the trash cans also have sensors to detect when they are full and appropriate staff is responsible for collecting the garbage.

Veniam has given us a taste of what the technology is capable of, and the company says it has plans to bring this system to other cities.

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