Category: Business

live stream

How to Run a Successful Livestream Meeting

In today’s increasingly digital workspace, in-person meetings have been almost exclusively replaced by their virtual counterparts. The normalization of online workflows and collaboration has birthed a slew of modalities for hosting digital communications, ranging...

Reward Your Teams with These Fun Activities

It’s very important to keep your employees happy if you want to retain them and increase their productivity. While offering them a good salary, creating a comfortable, welcoming, and safe working environment are some...


Eco-friendly Shipping Solutions for your Business

In the 19th century, merchants, farmers and independent craftsmen sprung up to provide valuable services to their immediate community. Today, small business isn’t limited by location. PayPal Canada recently published a study confirming that...

small business

Supporting Small Business on Amazon Today!

While shopping online, what we prefer is a top product out of 5000+ products. Finding all the products on a single platform is what basically amazon is, but actually, Amazon is just a platform...