How to Prepare your Home for Spring

The New Year has arrived, and spring is on the way. Spring is a time for renewal and fresh starts, which is why spring cleaning is such a staple in our society. However, when people think of spring cleaning, they often only picture tidying up the inside of their homes. Keeping your living space clean is essential, but there is more to getting your home ready for spring than just cleaning the inside. Your home has many parts you don’t often see, and those parts need maintenance too. Make this spring the year that you truly get your whole house ready for the rest of the year. A thoroughly cleaned and prepared house not only helps your home last longer but also improves your mental state as you can look at your freshly cleaned house and feel accomplished. Below is a non-exhaustive list of things you should check, clean, and prepare around your home to get ready for spring.

Make A Plan


Spring cleaning can feel like an overwhelming project until you map it out and make a plan of attack. Don’t start with a plan to simply clean your whole house, as that description is far too broad and intimidating to be helpful. Break down the sections of your house and make plans to clean them on different days. Do not expect to finish the whole project in one day or even one weekend. You might be able to devote whole days to cleaning, but you shouldn’t rush through your spring cleaning. Rushing only ensures you do a poor cleaning job and stress yourself out over a project with no actual deadline. Plan how you will clean the inside of your house, the outside roof and gutters, tend to the lawn and garden, and other areas of your house like internal appliances. Planning also ensures you don’t overlook any area of your home that could use some love and care. For example, most people don’t think about their water heater unless something is broken, but you should provide yearly maintenance for your propane water heater just like you would a car so it can continue to serve your home for years to come.

Roof, Gutters, And Outside Cleaning

outside cleaning

The outside of your house is meant to take a beating from the elements, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean it at least once a year. Exterior windows, doors, and pathways might still work when they are dirty from a year of nature, but your house will look much better if you spend a weekend cleaning up the outside. Do not expect to wash all your windows, clean your gutters, and wash pathways all in one day, especially if it is cold outside. Take your time and do the jobs right, so you don’t need to clean the outside again for a while. Cleaning your gutters may be gross, but it is thankfully quick and easy. Climb up onto your roof with some gloves and scoop out any blockages in your gutter so rainwater can flow away from your house rather than getting stuck on debris. Spray window cleaners and a trusty rag will help your exterior windows shine, but also keep an eye out for cracks or gaps in seals or siding that need fixing. Weedkiller, a good sweep, and maybe a power wash if all walkways really need in terms of spring cleaning.

Appliance And Systems Checks

The physical structure and inside of your house are good places to clean, but the appliances that keep your home comfortable also need some attention. Spring is an excellent time to replace your air conditioning filter and see if the unit needs any maintenance. If you used your heater throughout winter, it might be a good idea to give your HVAC system a bit of help. Look for cracks in seals that would let cool air out and make sure vents are correctly connected. Try to use ceiling fans instead of the air conditioning and upgrade your thermostat to better control the temperature of your home without raising your energy bill.

Your home is your personal safe space, and most people love coming home, but you should love your home in return. If you take care of your house and get it ready for the new year, your home will last longer so you can keep the love going. Make a plan to get your house ready for spring, but be sure to include outdoor maintenance and cleaning. Check your appliances and do your spring cleaning inside as well.

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