3 Simple Ways To Give Back To Your Community

When you think about your life, what do you want to achieve? Is it the perfect rags to riches story, or do you care more about simply making a difference in the world?

Michelle Obama said in 2012 that success ‘isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives’, and it’s so true.

Most people want to know they’ve made an impact on the people around them – and in a good way! Before leaving this earth, most will want to leave their mark and be remembered by a few select special people or their whole community.

There’s nothing better than being in a position to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Kindness brings a lot of positivity to your life and good karma for the future. So there’s no reason not to spread kindness wherever you go.

If you’re looking to make a difference or give back to those around you, here are 3 easy ways you can do just that.


Volunteering is a great way to benefit yourself and others. In most volunteering scenarios, you’ll have the chance to make friends with like-minded people, learn new skills, and go a little outside your comfort zone.

Instead of succumbing to another weekend or evening on the sofa in front of the TV, why not put your free time to good use and search for charities in Houston where you can volunteer? Volunteering might be as simple as being a customer assistant in a charity store or something bigger like organizing events for your local community.

Give blood

You might not know this, but for surgeries and other complex treatments, patients may need more than one donation of blood. For example, someone who is in a bad car crash may need up to 50blood donors, while someone in for heart surgery could need five.

All of this means that every donation is valuable, and just because others are donating doesn’t mean your donation wouldn’t be worthwhile. Giving blood is a quick, easy, but potentially lifesaving way to give back. Plus, you might even get a free juice cup and cookie at the end.

Start shopping locally

There are so many ways to give back passively, rather than having to actively think about it. Rather than driving to the larger shopping malls with the big franchises, shopping local is a great way to give back to the planet and the small businesses in your area.

With Christmas coming up, there’s no time like the present to take a good look around your city or town for some hidden secrets you’ve never realized were there. You’re bound to find the perfect gift for most of your friends and family within a small radius.

Shopping for groceries locally can also be way more sustainable and better for the environment too. This is just three ways you can start to give back to your community. They’re all incredibly easy and could give you a new perspective for the area right outside your door.

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