How to use Network Optimization to prepare your Business for Increased Data Traffic

Networking is becoming increasingly complex for businesses. While networks used to be designed based on location by connecting workers in an office, today they must be able to perform a variety of different tasks. They may be built with infrastructure, traffic, access paths, and applications in mind rather than just location. Furthermore, with the sheer volume of data that comes as part and parcel of operating a business at the moment, this can put immense strain on your network during peak times. It’s important to use network optimization to put the tools in place to handle this increase in traffic and keep your network running as efficiently as possible, according to its unique architecture.

Network Optimization

Optimize your bandwidth

The first thing to think about if you’re upgrading your network is your bandwidth requirement. This will vary depending on whether or not you’re moving applications for your business into the cloud or not. Cloud traffic is one of the swiftest moving areas in terms of data traffic, so you need to be sure that if you’re planning to move operations into the cloud that your network has the appropriate bandwidth to handle it. You can use an online bandwidth calculator for this purpose, and use this figure as a rule of thumb when looking at optimization.

Understand core network optimization strategies

Another important factor to consider is the variety of network optimization strategies out there. For example, Nokia Networks looks at four key areas when managing network optimization, including services for LTE, mobile broadband performance, services for OTT management, and customer experience optimization. By analysing different areas like this, the optimization strategies can be streamlined for your particular business needs.

Use network analytics as a tool

In order to optimize any network, you’ll need to look at how it’s currently performing. Take a look at network analytics to get an accurate read on the current state on your network’s health, strengths, and weaknesses.

Take security into consideration

When making the transition into a new network or upgrade, it’s important to factor in security as well as other needs. Moving to a cloud architecture could open your network up to new risks that your current security system isn’t ready to address, so be sure that your information is protected. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. As you upgrade your network, look at upgrading its security systems at the same time. This should include new anti-malware software, firewalls, and proxy solutions when needed.

Whether or not you move to the cloud, these are just a few of the main factors to consider as you look at upgrading your network to handle an increase in data traffic. As mobile data continues to grow, workers and clients alike need to use network optimization strategies to keep service at its peak level of operation. You’ll be able to better deliver the services that your clients demand and keep your own office network on track to avoid delays.

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