3 Ways to Market Your eCommerce Brand Offline
There are many ways you can market a brand online. Thanks to various integration with online technologies, eCommerce platforms have a much easier time of getting more out of Internet use. However, marketing an online business can go beyond digital methods by using resources in the real world. It’s all about getting the brand noticed whether someone is access the website or not.
Package Inserts
Many eCommerce businesses place printed inserts within packages in order to encourage additional future sales. Often times these printouts include coupon codes, gift cards or advertisements for other goods. It’s a way to take the online business from the computer and into real life. Perhaps the customer gives the code to someone else because he or she likes your business. This method inspires a greater return for word-of-mouth advertising as more than one person may see the addition to the package.
Package Branding
Boxes can be used for many purposes outside of shipping your products. By branding the packages, you keep your business in plain sight whether the box is used for moving or used to put things into a storage unit. In reality, more than just your customer may see the package printing from the moment it leaves your store to the moment it arrives on a doorstep. This is where things such as industrial inkjet printers come in handy by printing the business information en mass.
Online Addresses on the Box
In today’s digital world, physical addresses shouldn’t be the only thing that is printed onto a box or other packaging material. Websites, social media profiles and more can be added to promote the online business. If neighbors see the package and takes note of the website address on the box, he or she could access your eCommerce site from their own computers. It can also be beneficial to the customer as he or she may not have realized the different digital aspects of your business. Perhaps the customer didn’t know you had a Twitter account and begins following your posts because they saw your profile name on the box.
Although online marketing plays an important role in the success of the business, the offline aspect needs to be addressed as well. While it might not be worth the investment to run radio ads in every city you ship to, including printed materials can help spread the word of your company. You could create reoccurring customers by providing a basic printed sheet within a package of what your business provides.
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