The Persian Kitten: Truly a Lady’s Choice
Persian cats have been treasured as pets for several centuries. Their distinct features: long, luxurious fur, and distinct faces, help them stand out at the pet store and at pet shows. These cats were found in the mid-1600s in the Mesopotamia region, and were brought to England, where they first reached star quality.
Why are they such a good choice for young ladies? Partially, it’s the grooming required. Young women who enjoy being very feminine and refined can spend hours brushing and maintaining these animals’ beautiful coats. They’re often a stand-out at cat shows due to their fur; the young woman who enjoys keeping up her own beautiful appearance and toilet will love to do the same for theirs.
A Queenly Cat
Queen Victoria was fond of this breed, which has brought the long-haired beauty to celebrity status and has kept here there. The Persian is gentle, yet picky. She enjoys the finest things in life and the finest of treatments.
A Persian cat is more likely to be found in a lap or on a couch than anywhere else. She enjoys quiet and good treatment, not loud noises. A young lady will learn a lot from her care. It’s not only her coat that needs maintenance, not only her delicate stomach, which, from a young age, needs appropriate cat food for Persian kitten, but her personality.
A young woman who’s being brought up to be a society lady benefits from an animal companion that fits the same roll. The Persian gets anxious easily. A young lady who’s matched with such a royal animal learns to calm and sooth the Persian, and to have around only calm and soothing people and animals.
Persian Cat Care
The Persian cat should be an indoor breed. They are not fighters, and get dirty, and stolen, easily. They prefer calm, not animals that might injure them. Their young lady companion will enjoy keeping them safe and happy.
Due to their unique facial features, Persian cats need checkups to make certain they are breathing properly. Again, this is a reason to house them inside. You need this beauty lounging in an open window, not out getting dirty.
Their fur comes in a wide variety of beautiful colors, with eyes to match. They really are a fashionable breed, easy to select to match their surroundings.
Spending time with a Persian is loving a Persian. Hours of grooming, and calm, delightful play, ensures a happy, healthy animal. It’s not a wonder they were once a favorite of Queen Victoria herself. These wonderful animals, built to look and feel like a lady’s perfect companion, are highly desirable.
They encourage calm beauty and elegance. A young lady who’s looking to be a society woman would do well to keep this breed. They flatter their owner: beautiful, sensitive, a cat who’s made for the finer things in life. After spending hours with this gentle sophisticate, grooming and enjoying the cat’s beauty, a young lady will find she simply must have one of her own. g n, gt
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