How to Decide on Your Company’s Logo
Everywhere you turn in today’s world, you are inundated with company logos. Many of these logos have become so familiar that you do not even give them a second thought when you see them. They have become a part of the fabric of global culture. It is every company’s goal to have their brand and logo become iconic and instantly recognizable, even to people who never use that particular product. When you are starting a business, there are many things you will need to focus on. You will need to think about which products and services you are going to offer, how much you will charge for them and who you will have on your staff. These are just a few of the critical decisions you will be forced to make before your company can get off the ground. Choosing a logo will be yet another key decision that must be made. Here is how to decide on your company’s logo.
Look at other logos
You will be able to get some good ideas for your own company logo by taking a close look at the design of other iconic logos. The one trait that many recognizable logos have in common is the fact that they are simple. Therefore, they are easier for people to remember. Facebook uses a lowercase “f” as their logo. It is hard to get much simpler than that. Twitter uses the silhouette of a bird. The Walt Disney Company uses the famous signature of their creator. Needless to say, there are many possibilities for you to choose from. You may want to hire the services of a professional logo designer to help you with the design process.
Consider how the public will respond
You will need to decide if you want your logo to consist of your company name, a picture or a combination of both. There is not a wrong choice where all of these options are concerned. Your choice of a logo will simply come down to your personal preference, as well as what you think the general public will respond to. The public’s reaction to your logo is definitely something that must be taken into consideration. In an effort to do this, you can enlist the help of focus groups during the logo design process. A focus group consists of random people who are paid to give their opinions on the effectiveness of various products and campaigns, among other things. You will present many different logos to the focus group. They will then write detailed opinions about each one, telling you specifically what they did and did not like. The reviews of the logos can then be analyzed and any necessary revisions can be made. A new focus group can then be brought in to provide a different take on your new logos.
Make sure you will not get tired of it
While companies do change their logos from time to time, it is generally not a good idea to do this on a regular basis, especially if you are trying very hard to establish your brand. Therefore, you need to be sure that no matter what logo you choose, it will not be something you will quickly tire of looking at. Choose a logo that you can envision representing your company for many decades to come.
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