The Top 7 Reasons Your Business Should Be Using Video Animation

Business owners and marketing agencies often spend their spare time trying to come up with new and innovative ways to get more consumers to listen to their messages. The internet brings businesses lots of opportunity, but consumers too have lots of options. When they are given a choice of reading lengthy product descriptions or watching an action packed video, the majority choose the latter. Video animation gives businesses access to a platform where there are few limitations. Customers will take notice when they are able to see your company message literally unfolding in front of their eyes as opposed to reading text alone.

1. Increased Visibility

Animated video production increases visibility because you can place each video in different places. Post your animated videos on the homepage of your company website so that visitors are introduced to your brand in a whole new way. The next time that you update your business social media profiles, post an animated video and see what happens. It is likely that your popularity will soar.

2. Wider Appeal Across Age Groups

If your brand is only popular in a few limited demographics, you need to start taking advantage of animated video production. Although animation isn’t only for kids, it is appealing to younger consumer groups in particular. With professional animated video production, you can start marketing campaigns that will be more effective than ever before. When consumers won’t open promotional emails or read press releases, animated videos can pull then in, getting them to see how a company can truly benefit them.

3. Fully Explain Your Message

Even after consumers have read up on your company, there’s a good chance that they won’t understand the entire message. The written word is often misconstrued; however, professional animated video production is clear, actionable and impactful. Usually consisting of short, colorful clips, animated videos can feature narrations, text, music – when combined, these tools send concise and powerful messages out into the web.

4. Will Your Video Animation Go Viral?

Most companies investing in animated video production don’t plan for a particular video to become overwhelmingly popular with consumers. In fact, there’s really not a way to control whether a video, animated or otherwise, will go viral. On the other hand, you can’t go viral if the content isn’t there. If your business is in a niche where all of your competitors are doing the same thing, producing a video animation will garner a high level of attention.

5. Better Syndication Options

If you have been trying to get other websites in your industry to pick up your content, presenting your message in the form of an animated video will be an offer that related web properties will find difficult to refuse. Being unique gives you a clear advantage, and if what you have tried in the past continues not to work, it is definitely time to give animated video production a fair shot. Package your content in a unique form and see if you can get a more positive response.

6. More Creativity

Good animated video production can make even the most dated ideas and concepts completely anew. Your content may not be boring, but it might lack something that consumers simply can’t put their finger on. Remember that both you and your consumer group have been looking at the same written content again and again. Now is a great time to introduce new and creative ways to promote your brand, making it easier for you to appeal to more new customers as they learn of your company via your animated videos.

7. Consumers Take Notice

When a company offers something different and presents itself as unique, customers tend to look at them differently because there is a deeper connection. Being different indicates that your company is doing more than the bare minimum to stand out. It also shows that your business is willing to take calculated risks and invest into concepts that are above average. If you can show that you put that much effort into marketing, consumers will notice and become convinced that your products and services are also special.

Animated videos catch on fast because they are interesting, and they do perfectly capture the personality of brands in a way that just can’t be shown with text. Video animation can help your business blossom into a more easily approachable brand that leaves customers really feeling good about being loyal to your brand. Building a company on traditional marketing efforts in this day and age is much more risky than investing in animated video marketing, despite the increased costs. Do yourself a favor and learn more about how animated video production can entertain and educate your targeted consumer groups.

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