Giving Your Home a Quick Makeover

Your home gets a lot of use. It takes a fair share of wear and tear on a daily basis. Over time this wear and tear can leave your home looking and feeling unloved. Taking control of your home once more and injecting life back into rooms is what you need to focus on. So, how can you give your home a makeover, and how can you do it quickly. Some makeovers can take months; however, they do not need to. Quick makeovers can take a weekend, or they can take a week. The key to success is deciding what you want to do and why.


Decide What Areas You Will Focus On

So, to begin with, why don’t you start by taking a walk around your home. Not everywhere will be as bad as you initially thought it was. Look at what needs to be done first, and decide where you will start focusing your efforts. For example, is your bedroom lackluster and leaving you feeling blue. Or is your kitchen looking worn out, tired and uninviting? What rooms are looking past their best? What jobs need tackling first. When you undertake a quick makeover, you don’t have the time or the budget to tackle everything, so prioritize.

Tackle High Priority Jobs First

When you have established just what rooms are looking past their best or looking a little under loved, you can then start focusing on key areas. For example, if your kitchen is looking drab, then instead of focusing on replacing all of the units and counters, focus on giving the walls a lick of paint. Small changes can make a huge difference to how a space looks and feels. As well as adding a lick of paint, you could also look at adding new items or even taking things away. For example, removing a large dresser out of your kitchen area (that you probably hardly use) could leave the space feeling large and bright.

Windows and Doors Are Important

Often overlooked in your home, but still very important are the windows and doors. Drab and dates windows, doors, and finishings can let your whole home down. Looking at ways to boost how your windows look by adding shutters from or looking at replacing drab interior doors can make all of the difference to how a room looks. Old windows or damaged panes of glass need to be replaced (the same applies to doors too) as this cheapens a room and can be dangerous too.

Color Schemes are Crucial

A quick makeover is easy to achieve when you focus on color schemes. Adding a coat of paint in a color that compliments or lifts your existing interiors can make a huge difference. If you have too many color schemes on the go within your home, then this can leave spaces feeling chaotic. The key to a quick makeover is to keep things as easy and as simple as possible. Try to focus on just a few key colors and tones, and this will make freshening up and touching up of paintwork even easier.

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